Eureka Blow Up System – “The mechanism” eliminating the Retention with a Blow”
Lee BrooksEureka Blow Up System
A small part of the Bella Barista team were lucky enough to visit the Eureka factory a few weeks ago!
Situated on the outskirts of Florence, Italy. Eureka have just recently moved to this premises and the location and site is seriously impressive. More room for assembly, warehouse, R&D and one of the most exciting things was the lab. Where a small team of Eureka designers, engineers and inventors are busily trying out the latest prototypes.
The Eureka Blow Up System – hopper in the lab at Eureka really caught our eye, something so simple it’s genius!
*Strictly no photos allowed, unfortunately.
It basically acts as a bellow allowing you to push down on the hopper, blowing air down the burr chamber and chute. This pushed mostly all the coffee remains through and into the basket.
It even allows you to use the action when the bean gate is closed. Marvellous idea!
We expect this to appear on the commercial grinder as an optional extra first and then hopefully continued to the full range.
From the Eureka Website
Zero Retention – Designed for specialty coffee, the mechanism action generates an air flow able to keep clean the chamber of grinding, while grinding all the coffee beans, without waste, for a perfect coffee taste.
Cleaning – Designed to support the barista in the daily use. Fast, easy to use, to provide your customers always with a fresh ground coffee.
More about the Blow Up System from the Eureka Website