Salt Marsh Coffee

Salt Marsh Coffee

Elise Porter


This rare and unique coffee is inspired by Monsoon Malabar coffee. Monsoon Malabar was developed in the late 19th century, a shipment of coffee beans was sent from India to Europe. During the journey, the ship was waylaid by the monsoon season as it traveled around the Cape of Good Hope. During this delay, the beans were exposed to the increased humidity and as a result turned a pale off-white colour. Despite its off-putting appearance, the resulting coffee is intensely flavourful and is extremely full-bodied. The monsoon exposure and ageing process removes almost all of the normal acidic qualities of the coffee. 

We sought out an environment in the UK to create a coffee as unique and special, with smooth full flavours and low acidity. Often frequenting the North Norfolk coast the idea of using the Norfolk salt marshes to create a similar process to Monsoon Malabar. Using quirky floating boat house set amongst the Norfolk salt marshes where we hung a test batch of the famous Camocim Estate green coffee beans for the duration of the English “monsoon” season!

The process

As mentioned, Salt Marsh beans are exposed to winter wet season in the Norfolk Salt Marshes before they are roasted. Using only the highest quality organic green beans imported from the Biodynamic coffee farm Fazenda Camocim in Brasil. 

During the wet season — September - March — the beans are hung up in sacks and stored in an old boat house where they are left exposed to the violent winds. The winds are entirely moisture-saturated and contain a high amount of sea-salt. The exposure to the winds causes the beans to swell as they absorb moisture. During this time, the beans also turn from green to off-white. 

Flavour profile

Considering the process, it’s hardly surprising that the resulting coffee is unlike any other. Salt Marsh coffee has given a smoother mouth feel and salted popcorn finish on the tongue. The wind exposure and ageing process removes almost all of the normal acidic qualities of the coffee. 

In terms of specific flavours, drinkers can expect red apple, caramel and salted popcorn notes as well as a malty sweetness. The full-bodied nature of the coffee results in it coating the mouth and tongue long after it has been drunk.