Organic September

Organic September

Elise Porter

Did you know it’s Organic September?

The aim of Organic September is to raise awareness on the benefits of organic products and inspire others to make mindful choices that support their health, local communities, and the planet as a whole.


So inspired by this, we thought we would tell you a bit more about our Organic Coffee Roastery. You may, or may not know that we are an exclusively organic certified coffee roaster, and have been since 2020. 

Why is this important? 

Coffee is the third-most sprayed agricultural crop, behind cotton and tobacco. The Pesticide Action Network UK reports that acute exposure to pesticides can be toxic to humans, so not only does the environment suffer, so do the farmers who are exposed to a high level of chemicals while spraying the crops. The surrounding communities are also impacted through chemical residues in the air and water. 

How is all started

We started our Organic journey back in 2019, our managing director Marcel Binley travelled to Camocim in Brazil to visit organic coffee farms. It took 12 months of site visits and surveys for us to become organic certified.

Deciding to make the move to only selling organic coffee was a pivotal move for us as a small coffee roastery as it means a significant increase in price of the crops and a dramatic decrease in the coffee they can purchase.

We buy the bulk of our coffee direct from a Biodynamic, Organic estate in Camocim in Brazil to ensure they have not come into contact with any synthetic pesticides, fungicides and herbicides.

Since becoming fully organic, we have also moved to using completely compostable and sustainable coffee packaging, along with becoming members of 1% for the planet.

Shop Our Organic Coffee